UPDATE: There’s no location requirement. I kind of assume that I’m not going to find the best people by geographically limiting my search for potential partners. 🙂
Me: Live in Princeton, NJ area. Over 10 years experience with UNIX/Linux administration, databases and data modeling, and PHP/Perl. About 3 years experience using Python for back-end scripting and system automation, and less than a year of Django experience. Former Director of Technology for AddThis.com (it was bought out), Infrastructure Architect at cs.princeton.edu, and systems consultant/trainer. Creator of Python Magazine, former Editor in Chief of both php|architect *and* Python Magazine, and co-author of “Linux Server Hacks, volume 2” (O’Reilly).
You are one of these:
- Web graphic designer who has worked on several web-based projects for clients in various industries, understands current best practices and standards, has the tools and experience necessary to create custom graphics, and has some familiarity (secondarily) with PHP and/or Python, Javascript and Ajax. If you regularly make use of table-based web designs or ActiveX controls, this isn’t you.
- Hardcore web developer with at least 6 years experience doing nothing but web-based projects using Javascript and (at some point) *both* PHP and Python, and has worked with or has an interest in Django, Cake, and other frameworks, and understands that client needs often don’t coincide with the religion of fanboyism. Knowledge of Javascript, Ajax, web standards and security is essential here. If your last “big project” was volunteer work to build a website for your kid’s soccer team, this isn’t you.
- A generalist webmaster (sysadmin/db admin/scripter) with at least 6 years experience working in production *nix environments with good familiarity in the areas of high availability, web servers (specifically Apache), proxy servers and monitoring, and has worked with/supported users like the ones mentioned above on web-based projects. If you have to look at the documentation to figure out how to implement a 301 redirect, this probably isn’t you.
Experience working on a team in larger projects with multiple people would be good. Note that I’m looking for people to partner with on projects, I’m not hiring full time employees. Future partnership in a proper business is certainly a possibility, but… baby steps! I do have a couple of domains that would be great for use with this kind of project if it ever progresses that far 🙂
I know that other people are out there looking for people to partner with on projects, but there doesn’t appear to be a common place for them to interact. Maybe that can be a project we undertake together 🙂 — if there *is* a place where people meet up for this kind of thing, let me know!
Let’s have fun, and take over the world! Shoot me an email at “bkjones” @ Google’s mail domain.