I get a good number of job offers without sending resumes around. I guess my name shows up in enough places, associated with enough buzzwords, that recruiters fire off emails first and read the fine print later. The “fine print” in my case, says that I do not have a college degree. 99.999% of the…
Category: Productivity
A GMail option I’d like to see: “Delayed Skip Inbox”
I use GMail extensively. In my main gmail account, I can send mail using a variety of accounts that I’ve authenticated to allow sending from. So, for example, mail from jonesy at pythonmagazine dot com is actually sent from a gmail interface, even though PyMag doesn’t officially use Google Mail for their domain (not that…
What I learned about Python Today – eval()
I was writing some Python yesterday, and came across an issue that I thought was going to send me back to the drawing board. I was using a module that, given an Apache access log, returns line objects with the fields of the line as attributes of the line object. It was certainly usable as-is,…
Got a new iPhone
Yeah, I dove into the iPhone after seeing Steve Jobs’s keynote where he talked about all of the new features. When I first saw the iPhone, I had no real interest in it, because I didn’t like the idea that the only apps I could use were those deemed worthy by Apple. I tend to…
Dear VirtueDesktops Guy
Note: if you’re a Leopard user wishing Apple’s Spaces was never invented, and you’d pay to have VirtueDesktops back, please leave a ‘me too’ post in the comments! UPDATE: See this link to make Spaces not *completely* useless: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2008021122525348 Please pick development back up for VirtueDesktops. Apple’s spaces not only falls short, it totally sucks….
AppLogic Cheat Sheet
I’ve been using AppLogic for exactly one month today, and I’ve learned a whole heckuva lot about what it takes to build an infrastructure using the AppLogic grid operating system. One of the very first things I learned is that there is just a TON of documentation, but a very large portion of it is…
The beginnings of a CLI interface to Google Spreadsheets
I’m really re-posting this from an O’Reillynet posting I made a while back in order to test out the code highlighting capabilities of my new wordpress installation. It seems that it’s not really working correctly [UPDATE: Seems to be working now :-D]. Anyway, I hate (HATE!) spreadsheets. Even the Google variant. The interfaces to these…
Holy Crap I’m Busy
I feel guilty that I’m even taking this little bit of time to post this. I’m *BUSY*. I’m simultaneously: learning how to deploy a fully-virtualized, production infrastructure on a grid using AppLogic planning and scripting the bits and pieces that need to happen to migrate an infrastructure to a grid architecture. Doing code review for…
…So little time
I’m not usually this bad about writing on my blog, but the past few weeks have been a little nuts. But it’s the ‘good’ kind of nuts. I’m working on MySQL, memcached, database replication, optimizing SQL queries (and, in one case, the database schema itself), writing Python (using ctypes, and trying to parse the C-encrusted…
I’ve Been Added
Friday was my last day working as a contractor for the GFDL. I had friends there before I ever worked there, so I’m sad to be leaving them, but I’m happy to be moving on to a really exciting opportunity. I’m now an employee of AddThis.com. I’ll be able to focus on architecture, and how…