- If you’ve ever used your lunch hour to vacuum your pool…
- If you’ve ever discounted your rate to work on something really cool…
- If your spouse has ever complained about the mountain of receipts in the basement…
- If you work 8 hours a day… and 3-5 hours a night…
- If you’ve ever spent an entire day shopping for that perfect pair of flip-flops…
- If you fold laundry during conference calls…
- If you own as many books about “Consulting Success” and Accounting as you do about your area of expertise…
- If you’ve ever had to tell your dog to get out of your “cubicle”…
- If you’re able to accurately rate the quality of free wifi at any place within a 10-mile radius…
- If you’ve ever tried to see just how many client projects you could tackle at once without your brain exploding or divorce proceedings…
…You Might Be a Freelancer.