If you’re reading this post, it means that the DNS entries have propagated, and you’re viewing my blog at it’s new location: WebFaction!
Thanks to everyone who left comments in response to my cry for web host recommendations. Almost everyone mentioned webfaction in the comments, and I got a few emails with that recommendation as well. After verifying a couple of things with the folks at WebFaction, I signed up, and just about an hour ago I imported my wordpress blog into a new instance of wordpress that was set up for me automatically by WebFaction.
A side benefit of WebFaction over my old host that I hadn’t considered: I get to pick my username and password to use for my SSH login. My old provider assigned the username and password, and they were both long cryptic strings. After about a year with that provider, I had only in the last month or so finally memorized my user name and password.
Ok, I’m off to go enable more plugins and do s’more cleaning up and moving over more domains and stuff. Wish me luck!