So I’ve been trying to take a picture every single day for almost a month now. Most days I take more than one picture. One day I completely forgot to take a picture. This wasn’t my creation. My buddy Steve told me about it, and he found it online somewhere else (maybe here). You can see the flickr photo set of my pic-a-day project here. It’s a really interesting project, and I’ve discovered a number of things by doing it, even after this short period of time:
- My camera (Canon Powershot SD450) is the same size and shape as a pack of cigarettes, and I believe carrying it around in place of the old box has helped me deal a little better with quitting smoking, because I no longer feel like something is missing from my pocket.
- I look around more now, actively looking for interesting things, instead of waiting for them to just happen.
- You can come up with some interesting pictures when you’re pressured. A couple of cool pictures were the result of getting ready for bed and just then realizing I hadn’t taken a picture yet.
A couple of other less cool discoveries came out of this project as well. The first is that I don’t think it’s going to be about improving my photography. I mean, I guess if I do it for a whole year, I won’t be able to help but become a little better, but it’s not really about that for me. It’s going to be more of a journal.
The other discovery I’ve made is that either a) my camera just absolutely sucks at doing anything but snapshots, or b) I suck at taking anything but snapshots with my camera. I’m still honestly on the fence as to which one it is. I’m going to see if I can find an SD450 user’s forum and find some ideas.
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